Reborn In Another World As A Spirit Familiar
False Alarm
As I panicked at the thought of becoming wanted by a country, Wilharrow got up.
"Eh?" [Solace]
I jolted in surprise as he craned his neck and groaned.
"Ow…" [Wilharrow]
I stood there amazed as I saw the two gaping holes I had made close at frightening speeds.
("How is he alive?!") [Solace]
"Alert: The activation of the skill |Last Stand| has been detected." [Spirit Guide]
Well that answered my question.
"Uh… Wil? Are you okay?" [Solace]
"Yeah. I think you killed me once- wait, what did you just call me?" [Wilharrow]
"What? You mean… Wil?" [Solace]
"Yes. That. What… is that, exactly?" [Wilharrow]
I raised a brow.
"You mean the nickname?" [Solace]
"Nickname? Is that what it's called?" [Wilharrow]
"It's just a friendly way to shorten someone's name. Wait, do you not know this?" [Solace]
Wilharrow scratched his head.
"Ah… Sadly, I do not. I was raised within the temple of gods so it is likely that there are customs I am unfamiliar with." [Wilharrow]
"Huh…" [Solace]
Putting pieces together, I figured that he was probably some orphan child raised in a church.
"By the way, is this really what you should be asking about when you almost just died?" [Solace]
Wilharrow smiled in a way that could be described as forgiving.
"It's fine. My skill |Last Stand| allows me to return from death once every week." [Wilharrow]
"Every week?!" [Solace]
The fact that the cooldown was only a week was something that I call unbalanced.
"Putting that aside, it appears this is my loss." [Wilharrow]
"Eh…" [Solace]
I wasn't sure what to say. It didn't feel like a win since it wasn't me in control.
"I have to say, that display of power and skill was impressive." [Wilharrow]
"Uh… thanks?" [Solace]
"Have you ever thought of joining the hero's party?" [Wilharrow]
He smiled gleefully.
"I feel that with you by my side, we would be invincible." [Wilharrow]
I know he said that without thinking much about it, but his words cut deep. Most I've ever known after reincarnating was defeat.
"I'll take that compliment. However, I have never thought of joining the hero's party." [Solace]
"Even with the hero himself asking you?" [Wilharrow]
I shook my head.
"I have other responsibilities." [Solace]
If I had chosen to join the hero's party, that would mean I would be separated from Fina. There were a few problems with that, like not knowing what would happen if she died without me. Would I disappear?
"That's unfortunate. Is it because you have attachments with that girl?" [Wilharrow]
"Girl?" [Solace]
"The one you fought my former allies over. Her name was… Finea Kane, correct?" [Wilharrow]
"Yeah…?" [Solace]
I was starting to question where he was going with this.
"Would you join if she became one of my allies?" [Wilharrow]
"Woah woah woah. Hold on. That's a different story." [Solace]
"How so? From what I've seen, she doesn't seem completely uninterested." [WIlharrow]
"That's…" [Solace]
I also wondered why I was so against it. Maybe it's because I felt like Fina would be placed in more danger than she already is. I was quite certain that her joining with a lack of mana would prove fatal.
"In any case, no. I won the duel, so give me my money." [Solace]
Wilharrow sighed.
"A deal is a deal. I will return soon with the money in tow. However, I will NOT give up on you." [Wilharrow]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
After that incident, Fina pulled me aside and pinched my ear.
"Ow ow ow!" [Solace]
"What do you think you were doing?!" [Fina]
"I-I was trying to help you!" [Solace]
She pulled harder.
"Ack! Y-you're gonna tear my ear off!" [Solace]
Normally you'd find these situations kind of cute when reading a romance novel or something, but DAMN this hurts!
"Sure, let's say you DID help me. When you came into the room, it was pretty cool of you." [Fina]
"Aw shucks… You're embarrassing me with all that praise." [Solace]
She then pulled again.
"Ow?!" [Solace]
"HOWEVER!! Did you have to provoke them like that?! You literally beat up a group supported by the country! You're lucky that it turned out how it did!" [Fina]
I swear, my ear was going to fall off from either the pulling or the scolding.
"Okay okay! I got it! Relax!" [Solace]
She looked at me with a frustrated expression.
"..." [Fina]
After probably contemplating something for a few seconds, her expression softened.
"I just can't with you." [FIna]
She let out a sigh and released me. I then quickly backed away and checked if my ear was still there.
"Man that smarts… You really have a real nasty pinch." [Solace]
Fina hit me with a side eye.
"Just don't do it again." [Fina]
"Ah… Yes, ma'am." [Solace]
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